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Contact Us

Many of the inquiries that we receive are already answered in our Contact Us FAQ. We encourage you to browse through this first as it may answer your question immediately.

Please choose the appropriate department below to submit any email inquiries. Include as much information about your problem as possible, including which model of product you are referring to (such as kit version or RTR), or part number.

AE Nitro engine support

Kit support

Reedy product support

Shopping Cart Orders

Other AE support

To the Webmaster

Mail or in Person
Associated Electrics, Inc.
21062 Bake Parkway
Lake Forest, CA 92630

Office hours
7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Thursday
7:30am-3:30pm every other Friday
Closed during lunch hours from 11:45am-1:00pm
See www.associatedelectrics.com/hours/ for a full schedule of Friday's and holidays that we are closed.

Toll Free: (855) 721-0266
Local/International: (949) 544-7500

(949) 544-7501

Map to Team Associated


I have defective merchandise or missing parts.
If you feel that a product is defective, please send it to our Lake Forest office accompanied by a copy of the original sales receipt for warranty consideration. If it has been within 90 days from the original date of purchase, and a factory defect is found, it will be repaired or replaced (at our discretion) at no charge to you.

Warranty and repair policy.

I have an issue that needs to be addressed immediately.
Call Associated at (949) 544-7500 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. PST Monday-Friday, excluding major holidays.

I want to place an order online.
You no longer need to visit a separate site to order Team Associated products. Instead, just browse our website and click the "Add to Cart" button next to any item you wish to buy. There is a link to your shopping cart at the top of every page.

I need a manual or instructions.
Download any of our resources online. See the appropriate kit or product detail page to download the documents.

I want to be considered for race sponsorship at Associated.
Submit resume or racing accomplishments in writing to:

Associated Electrics, Inc.
21062 Bake Parkway
Lake Forest, CA 92630

I'd like a banner for my track or shop.
Please send your request via email.

I want to become a dealer or distributor for Associated products.
Please email us and leave complete mailing address with your request.

I have a question or comments about Team Associated, Reedy, Factory Team, or XP Digital products.
Email us at this page.

I need to contact the webmaster about the web site.
Email us and include the URL of the problem page, if any. Constructive criticism about the web site is always welcome.