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Past Web Updates

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Check this page for the latest updates made to the Team Associated website. Does not include other notices in the News.

May 2021

Updated the RC Acronyms section of A-Team Apps. Refresh the page to get the latest update.
Element RC

Trail Tip Tuesday: Using the Reedy SC480X Program Card. The pre-programmed Reedy SC480X ESC settings work very well in most situations, but if you want access to additional settings for fine-tuning, you can do so using the optional Reedy program card (#27034). We'll show you how to connect it, what each setting does, and how to program your ESC.
Reedy SC480X Program Card

A Fluid Chart has been uploaded for you. Found in the Document tabs for each of the shock and diff fluids.
Fluid Chart

Trail Tip Tuesday: RTR Checklist
RTR Checklist

Trail Tip Tuesday: Filling and Bleeding Shocks
Filling and Bleeding Shocks

Trail Tip Tuesday: Four Tips for a Perfect Painted Body
Body Painting

April 2021

Just a reminder: Refurbished and discontinued items are on our eBay store, not on this site. We just added several RTRs at great prices! Drastic price reduction for the remaining kit bags.
Team Associated Clearance

Added more vehicles to our eBay Clearance Store.
eBay Store

Uploaded the editable RC10B6.3 setup sheet, also used for B6.3D.
RC10B6.3 setup

Trail Tip Tuesday: Tire Venting
Tire Venting

We uploaded manual supplements for the RC10B6.3, B6.3D, and updated the manual for the SC6.2.

Associated Electrics, Inc. is in search of an experienced Purchasing Agent to oversee our purchasing operations.

Trail Tip Tuesday: Packing for a day out with your rig
Packing for the Trail

The instruction manuals for the RC10B6.3 and B6.3D have been uploaded.

The Exchange Program has been updated to include the new Reedy Radon 2 550 Crawler motors. You can send in your working or non-working engine, radio system, speed control, motor, starter box, or servo FROM ANY MANUFACTURER and exchange it towards the purchase of brand new Team Associated or Reedy equipment.
Exchange Program

Trail Tip Tuesday: Factory Team Green Slime. We go through the simple steps of using Factory Team Green Slime when building or rebuilding your shocks. This tip will give you the smoothest, leak-resistant shocks possible.
Factory Team Green Slime

Trail Tip Tuesday: Installing GKS Anti-Roll Bar on Standard Enduro. First released with the Gatekeeper kit, the GKS anti-roll bar can also be installed on the standard Enduro chassis. It's really easy to do and we show you exactly how to do it.
Installing GKS Anti-Roll Bar

March 2021

Trail Tip Tuesday: Installing Overdrive Gears. Stock, all Element RC Enduro RTR chassis with Stealth-X transmissions come pre-assembled with 5.7% overdrive right out of the box. In the box are additional gears to give the Stealth-X transmission 11.83% overdrive. Changing those gears can be a little confusing. We often get asked how or which gears get changed. In this video we show you exactly how to increase the overdrive of your RTR Enduro by installing the optionals that come with the Enduro RTR. Or if you want to upgrade to the Factory Team machined gears this video will help you there too.
Installing Overdrive Gears

Trail Tip Tuesday: Upgrade to Steel Pivot Balls. One of the best and easiest upgrades for your Element RC Enduro chassis are Factory Team steel pivot balls. Steel balls are more durable, and with this video, are super easy to swap out.
Upgrade Chassis to Steel Pivot Balls

We updated the Evolution of the RC10 page with the RC10B6.3 and B6.3D.
A-Team Apps Evolution of the RC10

The Team Associated Vehicle History page has been updated with the RC10B6.3 and B6.3D. The B6.3 is our 450th vehicle added to the lineup!
A-Team Apps Vehicle History

Trail Tip Tuesday: Aluminum Track Bar Mount Install. If you have the original Enduro frame rails and want to upgrade to the GKS aluminum track bar mount, this video is for you. We'll walk you through the steps to drilling the holes and notching the servo mount that are necessary for this upgrade.
Trail Tip Tuesday: Aluminum Track Bar Mount Install

Trail Tip Tuesday: Applying Large Decals. In this tip we show you an easy way to apply large decals.
Trail Tip Tuesday: Applying Large Decals

Just a reminder: Refurbished and discontinued items are on our eBay store, not on this site. We have several RTRs and kits on hand at great prices!
Team Associated Clearance

Trail Tip Tuesday: Easy-Pull Body Clips. Some body clips are harder to get to than others, but no worries, in this video we'll show you an inexpensive and easy way to add pull tabs to those hard-to-reach body clips.
Trail Tip Tuesday: Easy-Pull Body Clips

February 2021

Trail Tip Tuesday: Paint 3D Printed Parts. Want to add some scale goodness to your RC build? 3D printed parts are what you need. The only downside is some 3D printed parts can have an undesirable finish that doesn't quite look so scale. It's all on how you prep and primer those parts that will get the finish you want when painting.
Trail Tip Tuesday: Paint 3D Printed Parts

Trail Tip Tuesday: Installing a servo winch into your Element RC Enduo chassis is easy. We're going to show you how. (Watch our 2/9/2021 video on how to make your own servo winch.) Scroll to bottom to video section.
Trail Tip Tuesday: Convert Servo To A Winch

Trail Tip Tuesday: Ever wonder what you can do with your RTR servo? Well, how about convert it into a winch? In this video we show you step-by-step how to do just that. Scroll to bottom to video section.
Trail Tip Tuesday: Convert Servo To A Winch

We've just added more RTRs to our eBay store at great prices! Refurbished and discontinued items are on our eBay store, not on this site. Don't forget to subscribe to our eBay newsletter!
Team Associated Clearance

In this tip we install the Sendero grill on the Trailwalker body for a fresh look. Scroll to bottom to video section.
Trail Tip Tuesday: Swap Your Grill

January 2021

In this Trail Tip Tuesday we walk you through adding a magnet to your transmitter in a clean effective way.
Trail Tip Tuesday: Radio Magnet Modification

We uploaded several more Enduro scale mini boxes to the site!
Scale Mini Boxes

We uploaded instructions on how to charge your Enduro24 truck.
Enduro 24 Charge Instructions

In this Trail Tip Tuesday we show you how to keep those body accessory grommets in place and don't loose them on the trail. Scroll to bottom to video section.
Trail Tip Tuesday: Glue Accessory Grommets

New Element RC video added! In this Trail Tip Tuesday we go through the process of cutting and assembling our Element RC RTR boxes so you can display your truck in a cool garage diorama. So, if you're unsure and want to know how to cut it open without ruining your box, then follow along in this short and easy video.
Trail Tip Tuesday: Element RC RTR Garage Box Assembly

Our Excel Data Exports now includes Vehicle mapping! Visit the link below, scroll down to Excel Data Exports, and select the Vehicle Mapping option. You'll get an output of all the product on the site, and parts will be divided into columns per vehicle. You can sort the columns by vehicle in your spreadsheet program.
Excel Data Exports

December 2020

We've made a video to explain how to set up the 850R for drag racing. Click and scroll to the last line.
Blackbox 850R (scroll down)

November 2020

We updated the A-Team Apps web page with the Reedy Servo Application Chart. Save to your home screen!
A-Team Apps

The A-Team Apps web page has been updated with more helpful pages. Shock fitment, anti-roll bar fitment, piston differences. Save to your home screen!
A-Team Apps

The Team Associated Clearance Store on eBay is open again!
eBay store

The A-Team Apps web page has been updated with more helpful pages.
A-Team Apps

We've updated the A-Team Apps web apps page to include several charts for Reedy Power products. More coming.
A-Team Apps

We've uploaded the Enduro Gatekeeper Builder's Kit manual.
Manuals page

October 2020

We've updated the Team Associated Vehicle History listing to include the latest vehicles released.
A-Team Apps

A new Sonic 540-M4 Rotor Application Chart has been uploaded
See Chart

The Team Associated Clearance Store on eBay is open again!
eBay store

September 2020

RC Acronyms at A-Team Apps has been updated to include Element RC terms.
A-Team Apps

The Enduro Comparison Chart now has a mobile version. Click on the regular chart link and click on the Mobile button to view it.
Enduro Comparison Chart

August 2020

We added an Enduro Comparison Chart to help you see the differences among the vehicles. It's found under the Manuals & Setups link for any Enduro truck.
Enduro Comparison Chart

We added a calculator that accepts your arm mount selections and give the readout for the toe, anti-squat, pivot height, and pivot width. There are two calculators, the RC10B74.1 Insert Calculator button and the Inserts Calculator under RC10B6-B6D Pill Chart button of the A-Team Apps page.
A-Team Apps

We've updated the Team Associated Vehicle History listing.
A-Team Apps

The #89549 Front Upper Suspension Arms for the RC8 series, SC8 series and the Nomad DB8 are not available on our site at this time, but it's available on our Shapeways store. Remember to Follow the SW store account to be alerted to new products uploaded.

The Exchange Program PDF has been updated today. Access it from Reedy > Exchange Programs, or visit here:
Exchange Program

DR10 setup sheet posted.
Setup Sheets

July 2020

The list of available products available for exchange has been updated today. Access it from Reedy > Exchange Programs, or visit here:
Exchange Programs

June 2020

Blank editable setup sheets have been added for the RC8B3.2 and RC8B3.2e.
Setup Sheets

May 2020

We've updated the Team Associated Vehicle History listing.
A-Team Apps

We uploaded the instruction manuals for the RC8B3.2 and B3.2e.

TJ Eller created a companion document for the RC8B3.2 instruction manual that contains quite a few helpful tips and tricks. Download it from the RC8B3.2 page.
Get the Tips!

We've uploaded a Reedy 540-M4 application chart to help you choose the best motor for the job.
Get the Chart!

April 2020

We've posted a list of articles scanned of early Reedy races. Thanks to Mike Haswell for his dedication to compiling this collection. He's making good use of his stay-at-home time! This list is found on the reedyrace.com site, 2020 Offroad race, under the Media tab. (This will be the only notification. If you want to watch that page grow, bookmark it.)
Early Reedy Races

Now there is one page source for downloading all Scale Mini Boxes. All vehicles with mini boxes in the Manuals section will link to this page. This helps you find all the other available mini boxes. Remember when printing that you can specify a smaller size if if your scale purposes require it.
All Scale Mini Boxes

More scale mini box art artwork has been uploaded. Print them out, cut and paste, and enjoy! For the RC8B3.2 and B3.2e.
RC8B3.2e Scale Mini Box
RC8B3.2 Scale Mini Box

March 2020

The Wheel Charts page has been updated. At the top is a link to the previous version. Use this to get dimensions of Team Associated wheels to see if they fit your vehicle.
Wheel Charts

Do you want to see larger versions of our Cars & Trucks images on desktop and tablet? Follow these steps.
1. Go the the Overview page of the vehicle (such as this page.
2. Click on the thumbnail of the image below the main upper left picture.
3. The picture will update with the thumbnail you clicked.
4. Now click on the magnifying glass on the lower right of the picture and it will expand to full screen.

Our Team Associated Clearance eBay store has been shut down for the next couple of weeks.

The IFS assembly manual has been uploaded.
IFS Conversion Kit Instructions

Just a reminder: Refurbished and discontinued items are on our eBay store, not on this site. We have several RTRs on hand at great prices! Don't forget to subscribe to our eBay newsletter!
Team Associated Clearance

February 2020

The RIVAL MT10 RTR manual is now online.
MT10 Manual

What do the following acronyms stand for? DCV, DVC, HTC, LCF. Find out in the RC Acronym app now online!
RC Acronyms

The Android version of the free Team Associated RC Wallpaper app has been updated.
Android apps

The list of available products available for exchange has been updated today, including the all-new Reedy 540-M4 motors! Access it from Reedy > Exchange Programs, or visit here:
Exchange Programs

Updated the Vehicle History app with the MT10, DR10, and IFS Conversion Kit releases.
Team Associated Vehicle History

January 2020

"Do you have lots of old RC gear lying around? You can send in your working or non-working radio system, speed control, motor, starter box, or servo FROM ANY MANUFACTURER and exchange it towards the purchase of brand new Team Associated or Reedy equipment." The list of available products available for exchange has been updated today. Access it from Support & Setups > Exchange Programs, or visit here:
Exchange Programs

Manuals for the RC10B6.2 and 6.2D Team Kits have been uploaded.
B6.2 manual
B6.2D manual

Updated the Vehicle History app with the RC10B6.2 and B6.2D releases.
Team Associated Vehicle History

December 2019

Refurbished and discontinued items are on our eBay store, not on this site. We now have many 1:28 vehicles on hand for inexpensive Christmas gifts!
Team Associated Clearance

Reminder: Refurbished and discontinued items are on our eBay store, not on this site. A 2005 TC4 Factory Team Kit is among the items this week!
Team Associated Clearance

November 2019

Download these Enduro Scale Mini Boxes and assemble your own scale kit box for your diorama. Link to this page is accessed through each Enduro vehicles' Manuals & Setups link.
Enduro Scale Mini Boxes

Several more apps have been added to the A-Team Apps page.
A-Team Apps

Added the Setup Testing app to the A-Team Apps page. (The Final Drive Ratio and Runtime Calculator apps now share the look and feel of the Setup Testing app. Hope you find these apps useful!
Setup Testing

Added 1:14 Reflect 14B & 14T springs to the Team Associated spring rate charts on the A-Team Apps page.
Spring Rate Charts

Updated the Team Associated spring rate charts on the A-Team Apps page. Hope you find these apps useful!
Spring Rate Charts

Did you know? All our refurbished RTRs are being hosted on our eBay store. Take a look!
Team Associated Clearance

October 2019

You can now export the online parts list in .xlsx format. It does not include the vehicle cross-reference.
Excel Parts Export

July 2019

The RC Cheat Sheets Android app has been updated on Google Play.
Google Play > Team Associated apps

We uploaded the RC10B6.1 DL manual to the site.
RC10B6.1 DL downloads

Did you know there is an article at Wikipedia on Associated Electrics?
Check it out

June 2019

We uploaded the Enduro Trail Truck RTR manual to the site.
Enduro downloads

Blank editable setup sheet has been uploaded for the B74
B74 Setups

Added a list of Team Associated spring rate charts to the A-Team Apps page.
Spring Rate Charts

Added a final drive calculator to the A-Team Apps page. Add your spur and pinion and it will calculate your FDR for you. You can even select your current Team Associated vehicle's transmission ratio from the list.
Final Drive Ratio

6-Series C and D Mount Pill Chart PDF has been reinstated: mobile version.
6-Series C & D Mount Pill Chart, with visuals

Updated the Vehicle History app with the Enduro Builder's Kit release. Added the Runtime Calculator app to the A-Team Apps list.
Team Associated Vehicle History

May 2019

Updated the Vehicle History app with the last two Enduro releases.
Team Associated Vehicle History

We uploaded the RC10B74 insteuction manual.
B74 manual

As you know, we've integrated a new website design that includes easy-to-navigate mobile functionality. However, we are still working on it behind the scenes. Here are several update items:

1. Moved Factory Team and Reedy Promotional and Apparel links from the Team Associated page to their own branded pages. (Branded pages are accessed by clicking on the brands at top.) Click on the brand name then on Products in the top menu bar.

2. The Factory Team Spotlight page has been dropped in favor of the AE Garage app.

3. The Enduro vehicle parts are all populated under the Element RC brand.

4. teamassociated.com and rc10.com will route to https://www.associatedelectrics.com/

We still have more work to do. Stick with us and we'll make this version of the site the best yet!

"Do you have lots of old RC gear lying around? You can send in your working or non-working radio system, speed control, motor, starter box, or servo FROM ANY MANUFACTURER and exchange it towards the purchase of brand new Team Associated or Reedy equipment." The list of available products available for exchange has been updated. Access it from Support & Setups > Exchange Programs, or visit here:
Exchange Programs

Updated the "Evolution of the RC10" and "Team Associated Vehicle History" pages with the RC10B6.1DL kit.

April 2019

Updated the Differences Among Pistons download to include the new thin pistons. This PDF is found under the Documents tab on piston pages.
Differences Among Pistons

Updated the "Evolution of the RC10" page with the RC10B74 kit.

Added many more photos of RC10B74 spare parts.
RC10B74 Parts and Accessories page

Added Team Associated Vehicle History to our A-Team Apps page.

March 2019

We added instructions on assembling the HTC Slipper Clutch using vented or non-vented slipper plates.
B6.1 HTC Slipper Hub Assembly (PDF)

We are moving! Over the next several months we will be selling items not normally available for individual purchase on our eBay store. Check back weekly. Click on "Sign up for store newsletter" at top right of the store to be notified of the latest additions!
Team Associated Clearance eBay Store

We updated the information sheet, Parts to convert a B64 to B64D.
Parts to convert your B64 to B64D

February 2019

Check out the new Kit Bags section in our eBay store!
Team Associated Clearance

Added new documents to the CR12 Tioga page.
CR12 Tioga manual and roll cage instructions

The Team Associated Vehicle History page was updated for the #40005 CR12 Tioga Trail Truck RTR.

If you own an RC10T5M or RC10F6, you'll be interested in these kit bags for sale on eBay.
Team Associated Clearance on eBay.

The Team Associated Vehicle History page was updated for 1971, 2018, 2019.

January 2019

We created clear categories of playlists in our Team Associated YouTube channel to help you easily navigate our huge listing of awesome videos.
TeamAssociatedRC playlists on YouTube

We updated the Associated Electrics/Reedy Power Exchange Program download with more products. Do you have lots of old RC gear lying around? You can send in your working or non-working engine, radio system, speed control, motor, starter box, or servo FROM ANY MANUFACTURER and exchange it towards the purchase of brand new Team Associated or Reedy equipment.
Exchange Program

We added more product photos of CR12 parts.
CR12 Parts & Accessories

December 2018

The Team Associated Vehicle History page was updated.

October 2018

Years 2011-2018 completed of the Team Associated Vehicle History page.

We've added 12 videos to the Multimedia section over the last several days that were previously released on our YouTube channel:
Videos > Tech Tips:
B6.1 Factory Lite MIP PucksTM System
Factory Team 1:8-Scale diff pins with inserts assembly
How-To: Wire Your RC Car For A Clean Factory Look
How-To: Packing RC Gear To Fly To A Race
How To Use the Factory Team Clutch Gauge Tool
How-To: Using The Factory Team Wheel Balancer Tool
Videos > Product Promotions:
Team Associated CR12 Trail Series Ford F150 (WINTER)
Team Associated CR12 Trail Series Ford F150 (SPRING)
Team Associated Presents: The Night Shift Part 2
Team Associated Presents: The Night Shift Part 1
Team Associated Reflex DB10 and Trophy Rat Hit The Dirt
AE Garage Interactive Media App

Added more vehicles to the online comprehensive kit listing. A work in progress. More pictures and copy coming.

Instructions to convert your B64 to the B64D uploaded.
Convert B64 to B64D

September 2018

We created a body clips size comparison chart so you can tell how they differ and order what's right for you. It is accessed from the Documents tab of any body clips page.
Comparing Body Clip Sizes

RC10B6.1 Factory Lite wallpaper added.

Added assembly instructions for the MIP PucksTM.
Instructions for the MIP PucksTM

August 2018

Updated version of "How to convert to another gearbox configuration" uploaded to the B6.1, B6.1D, SC6.1, and T6.1 pages.
How to convert to another gearbox configuration

Completed 2017-2018 of the online comprehensive kit listing. A work in progress. More pictures and copy coming.

Want to know the difference between using our greases and lubes? Check out this guide. It's accessed under the Documents tab for #1105, 6588, 6591, and 6636.
Guide to Choosing and Applying Lubes and Grease.

Added photos of the new parts for the TC7.2 Factory Team Kit. Added the part material to the part names (black aluminum, graphite).
TC7.2 parts

July 2018

Added an RC10TC7.1 setup sheet by Jeff Hendrix.
TC7.1 setup sheet

Creating a listing of every known vehicle released by Associated Electrics. A work in progress. More pictures and copy coming.

The B64D has been discontinued. Here are the parts you need to convert the B64 to a B64D (PDF). Revised -- make sure the filename ends with v3.
Parts to convert B64 to B64D

CR12 instruction manual now online.
CR12 Ford F-150 manual

Extensive Timeline updated with more vehicles released and their part numbers.
Extensive Timeline

June 2018

RC10SC6.1 editable setup sheet now online.
RC10SC6.1 editable setup sheet

RC10T6.1 editable setup sheet now online.
RC10T6.1 editable setup sheet

Check out the CR12 Build-Off going on now on our Facebook feed -- and vote for your favorite!
CR12 Build-Off

Uploaded V2 Spring Rate Chart for the 8B3.1e, 8B3.1, 8T3.1e, 8T3.1.
V2 Spring Rate Chart

Uploaded Anti-roll Bar Chart for the 8B3.1e, 8B3.1, 8T3.1e, 8T3.1.
Anti-roll Bar Chart

RC10SC6.1 Team Kit instruction manual now online.
RC10SC6.1 instruction manual

May 2018

Want to convert to another gearbox configuration? This chart for 6.1 series vehicle owners says it all!
How to convert...

RC10T6.1 Team Kit manual uploaded.
RC10T6.1 Instruction Manual

6-Series C and D Mount Pill Chart has been updated: mobile version.
6-Series C & D Mount Pill Chart, with visuals

6-Series C and D Mount Pill Chart has been updated, with visuals.
6-Series C & D Mount Pill Chart, with visuals (see Documents tab)

April 2018

The RC10B64/B64D Essentials Android app has been released. No iPhone version is expected.
Google Play - Team Associated

Added a variety of Team Associated web apps you can access online anytime -- no downloads needed.
A-Team Apps online

March 2018

Uploaded firmware update for the 510R ESC. For #27004, 27005.
510R ESC (Documents tab)

Uploaded firmware update for the 850R ESC. For #27007, 27008.
850R ESC (Documents tab)

Uploaded firmware update for the PROgrammer2. For #27027, 27005, 27008.
PROgrammer2 (Documents tab)

February 2018

Parts list has been uploaded to RC8T3.1 and RC8T3.1e pages.

Added instruction manual to ProSC10, Reflex DB10, and Trophy Rat pages (same manual is used for all four vehicles).
ProSC10 Rockstar documents page.

We added a how-to video link to the FT Clutch Gauge page.
#1555 FT Clutch Gauge, 4 shoe

Tuning guide page uploaded for the RC8B3.1, for desktop and mobile.
RC8B3.1 tuning guide.