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VOTE! RC Car Action 2018 Readers' Choice Awards!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Once again it's time to let the world know of YOUR favorites for this hot award! Visit here to fill out the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/rchoice2018

Entry deadline: March 30. As usual, we present our own favorites . . .

Category Product Manufacturer
Buggy (any scale or power) RC10B6.1 Team Associated
Truck (any scale or power) RC10T5M Team Associated
On-Road Car (any scale or power) TC7.1 Team Associated
Nitro/Gas Vehicle (any scale) RC8B3.1 Team Associated
Speed Control Blackbox Reedy
Motor Sonic M3 Reedy
Servo 1508 Digital High Torque Reedy
Batteries Zappers Reedy
Charger 1216-C2 Dual Charger Reedy