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New! Reedy 13-Gauge Pro Silicone Wire and Low-Profile Caged Bullet Connectors

Monday, June 15, 2015

Thanks to input from their off-road racing team, Reedy is proud to announce two new items developed specifically for racers who demand user-friendliness as well and high-performance.

Reedy’s 13-Gauge Pro Silicone Wire is pure copper and pre-tinned for easy soldering. A heavy-duty silicone insulation protects the wire from cuts while maintaining maximum flexibility. Both the on-road and off-road teams have determined that 13-gauge wire offer the best compromise between power deliver and weight.

Reedy’s Low-Profile Caged Bullet Connectors feature a flat top for easy soldering and a versatile caged design that easily adapts to the slight variation in socket sizes found among different battery types and manufacturers. A snug fit and silver plating means less power loss due to resistance while 14mm length makes them a suitable for use with most socket style batteries.

In stock now.

Reedy Pro Silicone Wire 13AWG, 1m
UPC: 784695 007901

Reedy Pro Silicone Wire 13AWG, 30m
UPC: 784695 007918

Reedy Low Profile Caged Bullet, 4x14mm (2)
UPC: 784695 007925

Reedy Low Profile Caged Bullet, 4x14mm (10)
UPC: 784695 007932

Reedy Low Profile Caged Bullet, 5x14mm (2)
UPC: 784695 007949

Reedy Low Profile Caged Bullet, 5x14mm (10)
UPC: 784695 007956
