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Paige TQs and Sweeps 2WD and 4WD Buggy at the 2012 2nd Annual New Year's Day Race

Monday, January 9, 2012

The race was held on Sunday, New Year's Day. Doors opened at 10 am and racing started at 1 pm. With over 100 entries, the day promised a lot of interesting competition.

The track featured a very technical layout. We had to adjust our cars throughout the day.

With an eight-car start, the mains generated a lot of interest. It was a battle from the start. I ended up winning the 4WD class by four laps and TQ'd that class. In the 2WD class I TQ'd, and in the main pulled away and won by two laps.

The Factory Team B4.1 and the B44.1 were awesome that day. Also using Reedy LiPo batteries and the LRP speed control made the day successful!

Thanks to Michael Paige for this report. 
